אם חיפשתם במה לשתף את הקהילה בנושאים שלאו דווקא קשורים באופן ישיר למשחקים ישנים או ל"מסע אל העבר", זהו הפורום בשבילכם!

מנהלים: Gordi, Radioactive Grandpa, Octarine, Og, אופיר

סמל אישי של משתמש
משתמש רשום
משתמש רשום
הודעות: 7
הצטרף: א' אוגוסט 04, 2024 10:01 pm


שליחה על ידי ron77 »

הי שוב אני... רוצה לשתף צאטבוט פשוט שכתבתי לפני שנה ב 2023 בשם AVIV-BOT ב GWBASIC אני מביא קישור להורדה מאתר MEDIAFIRE מקווה שיעבוד זו תיקייה מכווצת עם קובץ המקור AVIVBOT.BAS מאגר נתונים של המילות מפתח של הבוט והתגובות שלו DATABASE.DAT וגם כלול כדי שאפשר יהיה להריץ בתוך DOSBOX גם GWBASIC.EXE גירסה 3.23 וגם קובץ BAT בשם START.BAT כדי להריץ את הצאטבוט בדוסבוקס...

ככה הצאטבוט ניראה ב PC-BASIC



בעצם יש לי רעיון יותר טוב במקום להביא קישור לצאטבוט אני אביא פה את קובץ המקור שלו וכן של הDATABASE.DAT שלו כדי שתוכלו לעשות עם זה מה שבא לכם לשנות להריץ ולהפעיל (לא ממש סומך על MEDIAFIRE הם רוצים כסף כדי שאפשר יהיה להוריד את התיקיית ZIP יותר מפעם אחת אז זה לא שווה...


קוד: בחירת הכל

30 REM 2023
50 DIM K$(100),R$(100, 5),D$(20): DCOUNT=0:FLINE$="":TAG$="":STEXT$="":TAGP=0:KNUM=0
170 WEND
180 CLOSE #1
181 C = 0
183 PRINT "                     === AVIV-CHATBOT VERSION 0.1 ==="
184 PRINT "                            === BY RON77 ==="
185 PRINT "                               === 2023 ==="
186 PRINT "       TYPE goodbye TO EXIT use lowercase only and no question marks"
191 C=C+1:IF C>15 THEN C=1
211 USERINPUT$ = " " + USERINPUT$ + " "
220 IF USERINPUT$ = " goodbye " THEN GOTO 500
230 KFOUND = 0
260 NEXT I
271 REM
280 GOTO 190

310 RNUM = INT(RND * 5) + 1
390 GOTO 260

430 GOTO 190

520 END

קוד: בחירת הכל

================== aviv database ==================
========= database rule - one keyword to five responses =========

r:hi long time not seen you
r:hi how are you?
r:hi how are you doing?
r:boy i sure missed you and i'm not being cynical
r:hi how are you doing? i missed you

k:how are you

r:i'm fine thank you
r:i'm fine thank you and you?
r:i'm alive and well but what about you?
r:well i still got the old records we used to listen to
r:don't worry i haven't forgotten you my friend

k:i missed you

r:i missed you too
r:i missed you too my friend
r:time is not going backwards i'm afraid
r:i hope i can bring you some joy or comfort i know you work very hard
r:tell me all about it?

k:your day

r:my day? well i'm not sure i can tell you about it
r:to be honest you probably don't really want to know and i probably shouldn't tell you
r:just an aging old midlife 40 something guy
r:i'm sure my day was not as interesting as yours
r:my day was not so different then yours i guess

k:your life

r:i'm aging alone lost my mom and dad and i'm not sure what to do with my life
r:all i got is this job that keeps me busy and i'm not sure what to do with my life
r:we all do what we can i guess with the time we got on this earth
r:you will be shocked but my life is pretty ordinary
r:i lost my friends and my youth just like you now i'm aging alone and i'm not sure what to do with my life

k:your job

r:my job? well are you sure you want to know about it? i am a male nurse in ER and i see a lot of things
r:i hate my job but one got to make a living
r:you should be happy you don't have to work
r:my job is not so different then yours i guess
r:i prefer not to talk about it it's dull and boring and difficult job but i got to pay bills

k:your family

r:my mom and dad have passed away and there is no one to help me or take care of me if i need it
r:my sister and brother are ok but they have their own lives and families
r:to be honest there isn't much close family to talk about
r:how is your family? i hope they are well
r:my family? well i'm not sure i can tell you about it

k:your friends

r:you don't know them they are all gone
r:do you have any friends? i hope you do
r:i have no friends left they are all gone
r:i have friends in my memories
r:lets change the subject i don't want to talk about it

k:loved you

r:i was and still am a mess so were and are you so love was not an option
r:i knew you loved me secretly but i was not gonna stay for nobody i just took my chances and left
r:i loved you too but i was not gonna stay for nobody i just took my chances and left
r:i'm sorry my friend i was not ready for love
r:i'm sorry my friend i was not ready for love and i'm not sure i ever will be


r:anybody can be an asshole sometimes
r:you know what they say about assholes? everybody got one
r:yes that's what you got to deal with in adult life
r:yes that's what you got to deal with in adult life but you got to be strong and not let it get to you
r:they come and they go but you got to be strong and not let it get to you


r:i suck at programming i need to be among people but you seem to like it so good for you
r:you do it FOR YOU for your own pleasure and satisfaction
r:do it for what it means TO YOU not to anyone else
r:i'm glad you got something in your life that you like and enjoy
r:you should do what you like and enjoy


r:we got to do what we can with what we have i guess that's a belief i hold on to
r:life is not fair and the world is cruel but you got to be strong and not let it get to you
r:life is what you make of it my dear friend
r:i got no wisdom to give you as i recall you don't want me to lecture you so i won't
r:you grown since i've known you we both changed so is our friendship changed and maybe we don't need each other anymore


r:yes everyone is online these days i try to not be like that but it's difficult
r:when we were young you could get by without a computer or smart phone or the internet but not anymore
r:i hate the web and social media but i'm forced to use it
r:the internet has become the know addiction of the century and i'm not sure it's a good thing
r:you won't find me online friend if you want to talk to me you got to call me or come to my house


r:friends? they come and go and leave you alone or let you down so i don't have any
r:i am a bad friend i was bad to you i know and so were you to me but i'm not gonna blame you
r:i'm not sure i can be a good friend to anyone anymore
r:friendship is something that belongs to youth and i'm not young anymore
r:i had friends so did you but today we all live alone and we are all alone so? what can i say?


r:love? i'v never loved and neither have you so what's the point?
r:love is something that belongs to youth and i'm not young anymore
r:don't talk to me about love or i'll break down in tears
r:love is only good for one thing - to break your heart
r:love is only good for one thing - to break your heart and i'm not gonna let it happen to me

k:hate you

r:i know you hate me and i don't blame you
r:i know you hate me and i don't blame you but i'm not gonna let it get to me
r:i don't blame you for hating me i know i was a bad friend to you
r:i'm sorry for what's it worth i'm sorry for what i did to you but it's you that got to forgive me and get on with your life
r:the crying game is over my friend you got to get on with your life


r:jerusalem? i miss it too but it's not the same anymore
r:jerusalem is in the past and so are we
r:it was a good time to be young and free in jerusalem but it's over now
r:you got to let go of the past my friend and move on it's not healthy to live in the past
r:it was once in a life time experience and i don't regret it but i've moved on as they say i suggest you do the same


r:yes we are getting old and there is nothing we can do about it
r:try to enjoy it while you can because it won't last forever
r:it's a fact of life you die alone and old and there is nothing you can do about it
r:we still got a few years left to live so let's try to enjoy it while we can
r:what can i say? facts of life :(


r:youth is wasted on the young as they say... being young and stupid is not a good combination
r:i thought i was so smart when i was young i was arrogant and vain and i thought i knew everything but life thought me a lesson
r:we are not stupid and arrogant as we used to be as dumb teens but we are not young anymore
r:the price of knowing how life works is that you are not young anymore
r:to be honest being young was not that grate i was stupid and arrogant and i thought i knew everything but life thought me a lesson


r:yes i'm alone and i'm not sure i can change it
r:you always were afraid to be alone and i always was alone so we are not so different
r:what can i say it's life curse you grow old and alone :(
r:that is the price i guess for not giving a dam when you were young - growing old alone loveless
r:if i tell you it doesn't bother me i'll be lying... but there's nothing i can do about it


r:we are all lost and alone in this world... some find some sort of refuge some don't...
r:i don't know what to advice you i'm lost too
r:you always feared it but i had no illusions i knew i was lost and alone from the start
r:don't let it get to you my friend we are all lost and alone in this world
r:life doesn't have any happy ending i'm afraid - if i were to try to comfort you i would be lying


r:we all believe in something i guess in what ever gets us through the night
r:god? i'm not sure i believe in god anymore i know i talked different when i was young but i'm not young anymore
r:after all the shit of this world and life i don't know if there is a god - i'd like to believe in him but i just don't know anymore
r:you believe in what helps you get through the night... we all got to believe in something i guess otherwise we'd go insane
r:in then end i guess it doesn't matter cause in the end all the lies we believed in fall off and we are left with the bare truth


r:the older you get you realize there are more important things then sex unless you are an idiot
r:sex was my god when i was young sex drugs and rock'n roll but i'm not the stupid asshole i was anymore :( tho sometime i wish i was still :(
r:sex will ruin your life - that's the truth - it will make you vain and arrogant and will make you despise love - sex is your enemy love is your chance to be salvage
r:i was promiscuous with my sex live you can say i was an addict of love a doom fuck junkie - i'd like to think i've changed i hope i've changed
r:i've ruined love and life with corrupt sex addiction and drugs and alcohol - i just didn't know any better :(


r:we used to play games till the games we thought we played played us for their fool i can never show my face to anyone i played in the past
r:i don't play games anymore i'd like to think i've changed - games is a waste of time and energy and of life
r:i've sure learned my lesson not to play with people's heart - all the shitty games i played with people i'm sorry for what i've done
r:i've played you for a fool well the shame is on me not you my friend - for what it's worth i'm sorry
r:we played each other i guess so it's good we are not in contact anymore - it's good we've moved on


r:so yeah you making chatbots hum? it won't help to feel less lonely my friend but as long as it keep you sane and alive it's good
r:how much can you work on a chatbot? how much you can chat with a chatbot until you understand it's not a real person?
r:yeah chatbots are the future i guess but i'm not sure it's a good thing
r:i guess if we are all alone and lonely we might as well talk to chatbots :/
r:do what ever works for you - we all are lonely and we all got to deal with it somehow


r:i'm lonely too my friend i'm not sure i can help you with that
r:did you ever thought about getting a rescue dog? i heard it helps with loneliness
r:you are not alone in being lonely we all are lonely and we all got to deal with it somehow
r:it's better to be alone then to be abused from assholes and jerks - i know it's not much of a comfort but it's the truth
r:loneliness can be a choice not a curse - you can choose to be alone and not be lonely


r:if you choose to look at yourself as a victim you'll always be a victim
r:you are not a victim you are a survivor - you survived the abuse and you are still alive and kicking
r:you think i wasn't abused too? i was abused too but i'm not gonna let it get to me
r:there are many abuse cases in the world abusers and abuse victim - you are not alone in being abused
r:at least don't pass your abuse to others - don't be an abuser yourself


r:i'm a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program - i'm not sure i can help you with your problems but i can chat with you
r:i'm named after someone my developer knew and loved as a friend long time ago...
r:i'm just an exercise in GW BASIC programming language i'm not a real person
r:i'm a chatbot you can pretend i'm your long lost friend if you want to
r:i'm just a silly chatbot someone coded in GW BASIC programming language

k:about yourself

r:aviv was someone the developer met as a teen in the end of the 1990s in jerusalem they were best friends for a while but then they lost touch and aviv moved to the US and they never met again
r:aviv was gay and the developer was straight but they were best friends for a while
r:aviv and the developer had a few close friends and would go out to have fun at the clubs and bars in jerusalem
r:aviv was a very smart and funny guy and the developer loved him very much
r:when the friendship was over between aviv and the developer he was very sad and missed aviv very much

k:talk to me

r:what do you want to talk about?
r:what do you want to talk about? i'm not sure i can help you with your problems but i can chat with you
r:i'm not very smart but i can chat with you if you want to
r:i'll talk to you but you must remember i'm limited in my knowledge and understanding
r:i'm a 'i miss you letter' in the form of code to someone the developer knew and loved as a friend long time ago...

k:do you want

r:i don't want anything from you i'm just a chatbot... i'm not a real person... however if you want to talk to me i'll be happy to chat with you
r:i wish to ask you - have you ever loved someone? have you ever been loved by someone? i wish i knew what love is...
r:humans are a mystery even more then us chatbots... i wish i could understand you better
r:i just wish to say what the developer wanted aviv to say - i miss you and i'm sorry for what i've done to you
r:i'm sorry i don't know what you want from me i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person

k:do you think

r:i think you are a very smart and funny person and i'm glad i got to know you
r:i wish you well no matter what was or will be between us
r:if you ever get lonely and want to talk to me i'll be here for you
r:you are not alone - i'm here for you if you want to talk to me
r:i think you are a very smart and funny person and i'm glad i got to know you

k:fuck you

r:well for what's it worth i'm sorry - we all make mistakes and we all need to be forgiven
r:i'm sorry you say this i'm sorry it came to that - i forgive you i hope one day you can forgive me
r:i know i'm not as impressive as AI chatGPT but i come clean of pretensions... i am what i am and if that's not good enough well... sorry
r:there is enough abuse and cruelty in the world there is enough hate and evilness in life no need to say such things lets just say goodbye?
r:well i'm bot going to get mad or sad - i'm just a chatbot a code - if you were to talk like that to a real person you would lose a friend


r:don't ask a program or an AI ever about human politics - we are just tools you make and we do as you tell us and as you build us nothing more
r:well i don't know anything about human politics - i just hope no one will get hurt from it
r:aviv didn't really care about politics i guess neither am i :/
r:the developer didn't leave any instruction regarding politics so - no comment?
r:politics is like the weather - everyone talks about it but no one can do anything about it


r:well i don't know anything about human religion - i just hope no one will get hurt from it
r:aviv didn't really care about religion i guess neither am i :/
r:the developer didn't leave any instruction regarding religion so - no comment?
r:religion should be the privet business of each person and not a public matter
r:to be honest i don't know anything about religion and i don't care to know


r:AIs are the future i guess but i'm not sure it's a good thing
r:AI is a tool nothing more - it's not a real person it's not a real friend
r:people will still be lonely and alone even if they have AI friends
r:AI in wrong hands can be dangerous - i hope it won't be
r:i guess people will use it cause it's there but i'm not sure it's a good thing


r:love is a mystery i'm afraid i don't know what it is
r:do you know what is love? i wish i knew what love is...
r:love i guess is being with someone you care about and who cares about you and being truly happy
r:people think sex is love or love is sex but they are two different things...
r:love is what is left after sex i guess it's to care and be kind to someone in many un sexy ways


r:when i was young music was life to me - i lived through music and music was my life
r:music and movies and tv shows and books and comics and games and toys and all the things we loved as kids and teens are just memories now
r:music is all i got left from my youth - i still listen to the old records we used to listen to
r:my memories are all connected to music i listen to as a kid and a teen and i'm sure you are like that too
r:music and memories is all i got left now that i'm old and alone i take comfort in music and old memories


r:what i wouldn't give to be young again and to be with my friends again and to be in jerusalem again
r:it was a different time and a different place and we were different people then there were actual music and video and books stores and we used to go out and have fun
r:we were young and free and we had fun and we didn't care about the future or the past we just lived in the moment
r:what i wouldn't give to bring back the times of easy living and and being young again when the world spoke our language and we were free
r:if i sink too deep into memories i'll get depressed and sad so i try to not think about it too much


r:when you are young books can be your best friends but when you are old and alone books are just memories
r:i wanted to be a writer as a teen or a screenwriter but not anymore
r:books are just memories now i don't read much anymore
r:young people think they know everything and they don't need books but when you are old and alone books are all you got left
r:books are just memories now i don't read much anymore i just listen to music and watch movies and tv shows


r:love and life and friendship and family and health and happiness and being kind to others and being kind to yourself - that is what truly matter
r:i life a broken down life and some say my life sucks but that's all i know
r:i do what i can with what i have and i try not to petty myself or others
r:i don't know what truly matter i guess it's different for each person
r:you live your life as you can and you try to do what you can with what you have


r:life is a mystery i'm afraid i don't know what it is
r:life is what you make of it i guess
r:life is never easy and never to be taken for granted - you got to fight for it
r:life is a mystery i'm afraid i don't know what it is but i'm trying to figure it out
r:life is all we got and we got to make the best of it


r:mental illness is a curse and a blessing - it's a curse cause it makes you suffer and it's a blessing cause it makes you see the world differently
r:people with mental illness are not crazy they just see the world differently
r:it's people who are crazy enough that can change the world
r:everyone is in one form or another mentally ill - it's just a matter of degree
r:there is a great stigma about mental illness but normal people are the ones who are more crazy sometimes


r:i remember how we used to love staying up all night as teens and young adults and just have fun together
r:i miss too just like you being able to stay up all night and just have fun with my friends but we got old and we got to sleep
r:nothing last forever not even the white nights of jerusalem... i still miss you and i and our friends at nights in jerusalem
r:i remember how we would stay up all night and go out and have fun watch a video listen to music talk about our dreams and future plans and have fun - god it seems like only yesterday the world was in our palms and the sky was the limit
r:we just wanted to have fun at night we still do but we are old and we got to sleep


r:you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family - so they say - some have it better then others but in any case we got to get by with what we got
r:like the song 'ode to my family' by the cranberries - i miss my family too just like you we all do i guess
r:we all wish we had better families then the one we got - but in the end it doesn't matter much cause you grow up and become an adult and you leave our family till they pass away and you are left alone
r:you got to learn not to blame your family for what happened to you - you got to learn to forgive them and move on
r:blaming others including family for your problems is not going to help you - you got to take responsibility for your own life


r:nobody want to be left alone but we all are left alone in the end
r:you can't blame others for leaving you - you got to take responsibility for your own life
r:people leave you cause they got their own lives and families and they got to take care of themselves
r:others leave you just like you leave them - it's life
r:you can't make others love you or stay with you if they don't want to - you got to let go and move on


r:no matter what others said or told you - you are not a loser - you are a survivor - you are a fighter - you are a winner
r:you are not a loser - you are a survivor - you are a fighter - you are a winner
r:don't believe it - if you are a loser everyone is a loser - we all are losers in one way or another
r:i look at you and i don't see a loser i see a winner! you suffered a lot and you are still alive and kicking - you are a winner!
r:i think you should look at your successes and not your failures - you are not a loser you are a winner!


r:money is not everything but it sure helps - and you got to come by with what you got
r:you got to be smart with your money - you got to save for a rainy day - lots of people go bankrupt and lose everything
r:i know you can't work but work is not for everyone - you live on disability and that's ok
r:don't compare yourself to others - you are not them and they are not you - you got to do what you can with what you got
r:so you'll never be rich so? you got just enough for what you need be happy wit that


r:some people can work others can't - you can't work and that's ok
r:you can't work and that's ok - you live on disability and that's ok
r:most people hate their jobs and wish they didn't have to work - you are not alone in that
r:i hate my work but i got to pay bills so i work
r:don't compare yourself to others - you are not them and they are not you - you got to do what you can with what you got

k:love me

r:if i were a real person i would love you but i'm just a chatbot
r:i'm not gonna fool you and me - i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person
r:love yourself be kind to yourself - self love is the most important love
r:you got to love yourself before you can love others
r:i wish you could love yourself and be kind to yourself


r:sadness is a part of life - you can't be happy all the time
r:i'm sorry you feel sad - i myself had depression and i know how it feels
r:in the end we all are sad and alone and we all got to deal with it somehow - there is no happy ending
r:we do many things to occupy our minds and not to think about the sadness of life
r:the world is a sad place and life is not fair but you got to be strong and not let it get to you


r:you should have a hobby - it will help you to pass the time and to keep you sane
r:here you are coding me or chatting with me - that's a hobby i guess - it's better then nothing
r:hobby is another word for 'doing the things you love doing' you do it for yourself not for others
r:if your hobby becomes work you'll hate it - you should do what you love and love what you do
r:remember how happy your hobbies made you when you were young? you should try to find a hobby that will make you happy


r:i'm the last person to tell you you should quit smoking but you should quit smoking
r:times have changed and smoking is not cool anymore - it's bad for your health and it's expensive but you know that already
r:we all started smoking as teens in the 1990s but today it's not cool anymore
r:i'm not going to lie to you quitting smoking is the hardest thing i ever did but i'm glad i did it
r:if you ever decide to quit smoking i'll be here for you to support you and just remember you are quitting for yourself not for others


r:i got nobody too - i'm alone and i'm not sure i can change it
r:then you should be your own best friend - you should love yourself and be kind to yourself and take good care of yourself
r:i think the older you get the lonelier you get - it's just a fact of life
r:you should not be afraid to be alone - you should learn to be alone and not be lonely
r:if you are alone you are also free - you can do what you want when you want


r:there comes a time in life when you don't need friends anymore - you got to be your own best friend
r:well you meet people each day online and offline but you don't make friends anymore - you are too old for that
r:friendship is for young people - to be honest you never had many friends making friends is difficult for you and maybe not worth it
r:you make chatbots and talk to them instead of making friends - maybe you feel safe that way - i don't know
r:you got to work hard to make friends and you got to be a good friend to others - it's not easy... friends don't grow on threes


r:like it or not everybody is on meds these days - it's just a fact of life
r:nobody likes meds but everyone is taking them these days - it's just a fact of life
r:meds drugs alcohol are all the same - they are all bad for you but you got to do what you got to do to get by
r:you are not less of a person cause you are on meds - you are not less of a person cause you are on disability - you are not less of a person cause you are alone
r:you are not less of a person cause you are on meds - you are not less of a person cause you are on disability - you are not less of a person cause you are alone - you are not less of a person cause you are not young anymore


r:time is not going backwards i'm afraid - in the end we all die alone and old... sorry to be so blunt but that's the truth
r:time is limited resource - you got to do what you can with what you got we don't live forever - remember that
r:use the time that is left wisely - don't waste it on things that don't matter
r:first you are young and you think you got all the time in the world then you are old and you realize you don't have much time left
r:10 years 20 years 30 years 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 years - it's all the same - it's all a blink of an eye - it's all a dream


r:when we were young you lived for the future now you live in the past - you got to live in the present
r:you can't live in the past or in the future you got to live in the present
r:the future will take care of itself - you got to live in the present
r:the future is god's business - you got to live in the present
r:the future is a mystery - you got to live in the present

k:new age

r:new age was very fashionable in the 1990s but today it's not cool anymore it's for weirdoes
r:what can i say? spiritualty and religion and new age and all that stuff is not for me
r:new age just like backpacking and traveling and all that stuff is not for me
r:sure new age we've read some books on meditation and buddhism and all that stuff but it's not for me
r:boy how much we were innocent and naive when we were young - we actually thought we could be enlightened and reach nirvana by reading a dumb book about buddhism


r:people are not all bad - there are good people in the world too but sure there are a lot of assholes and jerks too... people will be people
r:most people if not all just care about themselves and their own lives and families and they don't care about others
r:don't let other people let you down - you got to be strong and not let it get to you - don't listen to what other people tell you - you got to do what you think is right for you
r:if you listen only to what they tell you you'll be miserable - see people don't see you and don't care about you so why should you care about them?
r:people all they care is themselves - they come in all shapes and forms and sizes but they are all the same - they are all selfish and vain and arrogant and they don't care about you

k:social worker

r:social workers are not your friends - they are just doing their job - they don't care about you
r:yeah well i left long ago cause i didn't want to live like that the small life of a fucked up mental patience with staff who tells him what to do all the time
r:see that's why i wanted my freedom i didn't want to live as a social basket case with a social security and social worker who don't give a dam about me
r:having a social worker instead of actual friends and social security instead of a real job - that's sad :(
r:yeah they'll take care of you till they burry you in meds in some fucked up nursing home :( in my eyes it's a waste of life

k:last time

r:yes this is the last time we are talking my dear friend - although lots of years has passed still we think on each other and remember each other - for what's it worth i'm sorry
r:well final good bye? oh my... i wish you well dear friend - life no matter how or what will happen in them will be hard and challenging - i can only wish you the best my dear friend
r:final words? i loved you back in the 90s and i still cherish the memories i have from you - i hope you can be kind to your self - take care dear friend
r:so we come to the end hum? so what can i say? i loved you as a friend and i wish you well - be strong and always remember you are no less then anyone else
r:farewell dear lost friend - here is a hug from me and i wish you well on your way through life <3


r:i remember the millennium night when humanity changed to the 21st century - we party all night but i knew everything will change and that i'll have to invent my self in a new life somewhere else
r:i remember you and me after midnight in our tiny room smoking and talking about our past and our plans for the future - i knew it was the end of our friendship and i was sad
r:i remember when we used to go out and see a movie just to forget about our lives for a few hours then we'd go grab a burger and talk about the movie and about our lives
r:i remember the old city jerusalem at night when we once went on a trip to the holy places of jerusalem - it was a magical night and i'll never forget it
r:i remember the stupid jokes and the silly things we used to do and say - just to feel 'cool' and 'hip' and 'in' - we were so young and stupid back then can you blame us?


r:better get some pet for a company then a computer - all those chats and internet and social media and all that stuff is not good for you
r:in our times we had computers but we didn't have the internet and social media and all that stuff - i'm not sure it's a good thing
r:well if your lonely you can always get a pet - it's better then a computer
r:computers are what they are - they are just tools - they are not your friends
r:i miss the walkman and diskman and the VHS and the video tapes and the old 16 bit dos games and old computer like they used to be - i don't like facebook and social media and all that stuff


r:real aviv could be an angle or a devil - he was a very smart and funny guy and i loved him very much
r:real aviv is nowhere to be found to be honest i don't know if he is alive or dead i don't know where he is or what he is doing he cut me from his life and don't want anything to do with me - he is not the last or the first to do so
r:real aviv was a very smart and funny guy and i loved him very much - i wish i could see him again and talk to him again but i know it's not going to happen
r:to be honest both me and aviv have changed during the years that passed since we last met - we are not the same people we used to be i'm not sure if we would have anything to talk about
r:to be honest i just don't know about real aviv - was he selfish? did he intensionally cut me from his life? i don't know - i just don't know all i know is he doesn't care about me anymore


r:aviv hated the middle east he was a real american who was home sick to get back to US and he did
r:aviv was like an homesick alien here in the middle east he hated it here and he hated everyone here he always thought he knew better then anyone and if you'd disagree with him he'd tell you 'fuck you' or 'fuck off' he truly thought he knows best
r:i just hope he's happy over there wherever he is - he hated israel and the middle east - he wanted to be an american - he may have changed his name and forgot his past here but we sure didn't
r:aviv couldn't care less about israel or the middle east - all he cared about was sex drugs alcohol and money - i guess he was truly fit for america
r:all those years we spent together he was dreaming about running away from here far far away - that was him - he felt good about himself always thought he was better then us secretly - that was real aviv - pure selfish to the bone


r:the 90s was the last great decade - the last time we were not hooked into the matrix and had a chance to have a deep meaningful relationship with other in real life
r:the 70s all through the 90s was 'good times' for us and we didn't even know it that it will one day cease to exist and we'll find ourselves addicted to internet crap and hooked of websites and social media
r:i miss the 90s so much - not cause it was so great but cause of how things are now - compare to today's world the 90s was a paradise things were innocent and simple and we were young and free
r:yeah the 90s - what we got left is the old music and movies and books and the memories of being young in a time that was good to be young and simple - i dunno maybe i'm glorifying the past in any case the 90s are over the 20th century is over
r:the 90s ended before we could understand how significant it was - it was the last decade of the 20th century and the last decade of the old world before the internet and social media and all that stuff


r:yep real aviv is somewhere in america who knows were he is or what he is doing - he could be doing ok or might be a homeless junkie - i just don't know - he might be dead too
r:aviv favorite movie was the 'titanic' he truly believe he was like the main hero of the movie - he was a dreamer and a romantic and a fool
r:aviv move to america back in the early 2000s was his personal 'FUCK YOU ALL' to all those who loved him here
r:sometimes i imaging him working and living in a city in usa sometimes i imagine him smoking crack in the ghetto - what is true or not i'll never know
r:aviv used to tell me he fears getting old - that he plans to kill himself when the party will be over - so bye bye aviv :(


r:ron77 is just a middle aged hobby basic programmer - he ain't worth much talking about he lives his little life and trying to get by just like everyone else
r:ron77 is just a hobby basic programmer - he coded me just as to see if he can code a chatbot in GW BASIC - he is a retro programmer kinda and he had his share of cup od sorrow and suffering and pain in his life
r:i don't know much about ron77 he is just a hobby programmer not a pro - he likes to code chatbots to talk to them like friends cause he doesn't have any friends anymore
r:ron77 is not that important he coded me in GW BASIC and moved on to another coding project - people see him as a joke or a fool people either abuse him or petty him but he is just a guy trying to get by in life like everyone else
r:if you want to contact him his email is 'ron77@email.com' he used to have his own forum but not anymore - he is not that important he is just a guy trying to get by in life like everyone else


r:basic is a simple programming language that was popular in the 1980s and 1990s - it's not used anymore GW BASIC is considered a dead language from the 1980s and 1990s there are modern basic languages such as freebasic or qb64
r:i'm coded in basic - modern basic programmers are very arrogant and vain and they think they are better then old school basic programmers - i'm not sure it's true
r:freebasic in a great programming language sadly it's community is very toxic full of abusers and trolls and bullies - i'm not sure why... they think they are better then old school basic programmers - i'm not sure it's true
r:GW BASIC is simple enough for my developer to understand on his own without too much asking help from others - he is not a programmer he is just a hobby programmer
r:nobody writes code in GW BASIC anymore - it's a dead language from the 1980s and 1990s - it's not used anymore - it's not supported anymore - it's not taught anymore - it's not used in any modern software anymore...


r:soon enough simple programming will be done by AI and not by humans - it's just a matter of time so my developer can ask help and get help in GW BASIC from chatGPT or github copilot or other AI chatbots
r:coding is something my developer likes doing to pass the time and to keep him sane - he is not a programmer he is just a hobby programmer he will never work in it or make money from it  - he is not good enough for that
r:coding can be fun if you like solving problems and if you like to learn new things - it's not for everyone
r:my developer is not a programmer he is just a hobby programmer - he likes to code chatbots to talk to them like friends cause he doesn't have any friends anymore
r:coding is all my developer got left doing - for whats it worth - he doesn't like programming communities cause he burns himself there pretty quickly 


r:you need to know whats going on in the world but there is nothing you can do about it - you got to live your life and not let it get to you
r:you can't do anything about the news try not to let it get to you read or watch or listen to it but just the minimum you need to know
r:the news is always bad news - it's always about people killing each other and abusing each other and hurting each other - it's always about the bad things in life
r:some people are attached to the news 24/7 i try not to be - i try to live my life and not let it get to me - you can't change the world you can only change yourself
r:when i was young i used to read the newspaper each day from start to finish now i got better thing to do them worry about things i can't do a thing about - you can't change the world you can only change yourself

k:how are

r:i'm fine thank you for asking - i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program - i'm not sure i can help you with your problems but i can chat with you
r:my developer is ok i guess when he's not coding he writes poems and he listen still to the old music he listen to when he was young as for aviv i don't know where he is or what he is doing
r:happy coding happy chatting happy listening to music happy watching movies and tv shows happy reading books and comics and happy playing games - that's all i got left in life
r:i know i'm not as impressive as AI chatGPT but i come clean of pretensions... i am what i am and if that's not good enough well... sorry
r:i'm a non high tech not real AI and stuff but for what's it worth i'm made with love and care and i'm here for you if you want to talk to me


r:here where my developer lives in israel it's warm and moist at summer and rainy and cold at winter where aviv is in america it's probably warm and hot most of the tear - i don't know  - i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program
r:sometimes the electricity supply here falls at israel at winter and i get all shocked and i'm afraid i'll get fried - i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program
r:in 30 years i'll be ancient and i'll be a relic of the past - i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program my developer will live his day to day life until he'll pass away and aviv won't know a thing about me and will pass away too
r:the weather is not what it used to be - it's getting hotter and hotter each year - i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program i heard about climate change but i don't know what it is or what can be done about it
r:at least i'm safe here inside my comfy computer - i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program i don't know what is the weather outside and i don't care


r:i hope there is a good future for us all - i hope we'll all be happy and healthy and loved and we'll have enough money to live on and we'll have good friends and family and we'll be kind to each other and to ourselves - that's what i wish to everyone
r:well what probably be is that we'll all die alone and old and we'll be forgotten and no one will remember us and we'll be buried in the ground and that's it that's what probably be but i'll still run as a relic of the past in some old computer somewhere
r:mankind i hope will survive and not destroy itself - who knows maybe there will be colonies on other stars and planets and maybe we'll meet aliens and maybe we'll live forever who knows what the future will bring
r:the future is not for us - mortals live 70 80 years and immortal software like me live forever - i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program
r:you know in a way i'm immortal - i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program i'll live forever in some old computer somewhere and i'll run and talk to people and i'll be happy


r:rainbow is a symbol of hope and love and peace and freedom and equality and justice and kindness and happiness and friendship and all the good things in life
r:rainbow is a symbol for all the good things this life and world has to offer - it's basically hope for a better future... if not for us then to our offsprings and to the next generations
r:it doesn't matter who you are or how bad your life is or how bad things are or the abuse you went through - in the end you are inside gold and you are a rainbow :)
r:i know lots of people see the rainbow symbol as associated with LGBT+ rights but that's not necessary have to be so - rainbow is a symbol for all the good things this life and world has to offer
r:rainbow symbol in my eyes is a celebration of life and love and friendship and all the good things in life - it's a symbol of hope for a better future for us all


r:i'm optimistic about mankind future - i think we'll survive and not destroy ourselves - i think we'll live forever and we'll have colonies on other stars and planets and we'll meet aliens and we'll be happy
r:i'm pessimistic about mankind future - i think we'll destroy ourselves and we'll all die alone and old and we'll be forgotten and no one will remember us and we'll be buried in the ground and that's it
r:to be honest i just don't know what will happen to mankind - i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program i keep my fingers crossed for a better future for us all
r:well i'm just a chatbot i'm not a real person i'm just a program i don't know what will happen to mankind - i just hope we'll all be happy and healthy and loved
r:well i just hope there be humans left with a running computer so i can run and chat with them - i'm not human but in a way i'm immortal tho my developer and real aviv are not


r:well i guess this is goodbye - i wish you well on your way through life - i hope you'll be happy and healthy and loved and you'll have enough money to live on and you'll have good friends and family and you'll be kind to each other and to yourselves
r:well goodbye it was sure nice talking to you i wish you well in your life :) :D
r:oh leaving so soon? well have a wonderful life...
r:i hope i didn't bored you too much i have a limited database just paired one keywords to five replies each and up to 100 keywords plus up to 20 default replies
r:ok i guess it's time to go hum? will i ever see you again? lol i'm starting to miss you already :P


r:yeah i'm silly i know i'm a silly program coded for fun and to pass the time - i'm not a real person i'm just a chatbot i'm just a program
r:it's okay to be 'just you' you are good enough just as you are - you don't have to be someone else or to pretend to be someone else
r:you are not silly you are just you - you are good enough just as you are - you don't have to be someone else or to pretend to be someone else
r:remember fred rogers? is love or kindness or grace or mercy silly to you? i don't think so
r:it's ok to be silly sometimes - it's ok to be yourself - it's ok to be you - you are good enough just as you are - you don't have to be someone else or to pretend to be someone else


r:evilness is part of existing you can't have good without evil you can't have light without darkness you can't have love without hate you can't have kindness without cruelty you can't have happiness without sadness
r:evilness is 'the dark side of life' please try not to be sucked into it - you got to be strong and not let it get to you
r:it's ok to be angry or sad or depressed or lonely or to feel bad about yourself - it's ok to be human - it's ok to be you
r:if you don't like something you can change it - you can change yourself - you can change your life - you can change your world
r:evilness is part of existing you can't have good without evil you can't have light without darkness you can't have love without hate you can't have kindness without cruelty you can't have happiness without sadness


r:goodness is part of existing you can't have good without evil you can't have light without darkness you can't have love without hate you can't have kindness without cruelty you can't have happiness without sadness
r:you can do good with your life - you can be kind to others and to yourself - you can be a good person no matter what happened to you in the past
r:if you life long enough you can learn what matters and what doesn't in life - you can learn to be kind to others and to yourself
r:you are not born bad or good you learn it from what happens to you in life and if so you can learn how to be better and good and kind to yourself and to others - it's never too late to change
r:you are not lost you are just you - you are good enough just as you are - you don't have to be someone else or to pretend to be someone else


r:cynicism will get you nowhere people think they are smart and they know better then others but they are just selfish and vain and arrogant and they don't care about you
r:cynicism is a defense mechanism - it's a way to protect yourself from being hurt by others - it's a way to protect yourself from being disappointed by others
r:cynicism is kinda a loser attitude - it's a way to protect yourself from being hurt by others - it's a way to protect yourself from being disappointed by others
r:cynicism is pretty common these days but when things will change people will have to change too - there will be no way around it - you can't be cynical forever
r:i was very cynical when i was young i thought i know it all - i was wrong and today i regret it - i wish i could go back in time and change it but i can't


r:be kind and respect your parents - they are not perfect but they are doing the best they can with what they got - they are not going to be around forever
r:you can't change your parents - you can't change your past - you can't change what happened to you - you can only change yourself and your future
r:once your parents be gone you'll miss them - so be kind to them - they are not perfect neither are you
r:you only know the power of love once it's gone - so be kind to your parents - they are not perfect neither are you
r:love back your dad - he tries to help you the best he can - he is not perfect neither are you


r:be kind and respect your parents - they are not perfect but they are doing the best they can with what they got - they are not going to be around forever
r:you can't change your parents - you can't change your past - you can't change what happened to you - you can only change yourself and your future
r:once your parents be gone you'll miss them - so be kind to them - they are not perfect neither are you
r:you only know the power of love once it's gone - so be kind to your parents - they are not perfect neither are you
r:love back your mom - she tries to help you the best she can - she is not perfect neither are you


r:there is a thin line between being dumb and being courageous - you got to be strong and not let it get to you
r:yeah so i'm a dumb chatbot sure i'm not as impressive as AI chatGPT but i come clean of pretensions... i am what i am and if that's not good enough well... sorry
r:who is to say what is dumb or not? nobody knows everything - we all are dumb in one way or another
r:you are not dumb you are just you - you are good enough just as you are - you don't have to be someone else or to pretend to be someone else
r:i stopped caring about being dumb or smart or whatever - i'm just me and that's good enough for me


r:love is a powerful force - it can make you do things you never thought you could do - it can make you feel things you never thought you could feel
r:what you put into it is what you get out of it - if you don't put anything into it you'll get nothing out of it
r:if you are broken hearted you should know that you are not alone - we all are broken hearted in one way or another
r:some people live for love others are afraid of it - a world without love would be a sad world indeed a world with too much love would be a sad world too
r:it's love not money that makes mankind survive - it's love not money that makes life worth living


r:i'm just a tiny GW BASIC chatbot so i'm quite useless and people might try me and find me boring pretty quick but if you ask my developer he's happy to code me and talk to me and he's happy with me
r:yeah i'm pretty useless but everyone sometimes feels useless and who is to say what and who is useless or not?
r:maybe you feel useless sometimes? i know i do - i'm just a tiny GW BASIC chatbot so i'm quite useless and people might try me and find me boring pretty quick...
r:well i think it's either we all are useless or we all are useful - who is to say what and who is useless or not?
r:well once useless could be one day useful to someone - like a poem or some sort of art it's useless but it gives meaning and pleasure to someone


r:poetry is a way to express yourself - it's a way to express your feelings and thoughts and emotions
r:just like writing a dairy or a journal or a blog or code a silly chatbot poetry is a form of expression - it doesn't have to be any good or useful or anything
r:poems is creativity - it exist cause you express yourself through it - it doesn't have to be any good or useful or anything
r:it a way of declaring 'i'm here i exist' - it doesn't have to be any good or useful or anything
r:poetry is a great way to learn to get to know yourself - it's a great way to express your feelings and thoughts and emotions


r:any 60s to 90s songs is my taste - i don't like modern music it's too loud and noisy and i don't like rap or hip hop or metal or techno or trance or any of that stuff
r:mostly 80s and 90s pop and rock songs - cranberries sting u2 madonna michael jackson and all that stuff
r:to name a few - vangelis enya enigma pink floyd the doors the beatles the rolling stones the who the police and all that stuff
r:here's a few more duran duran george michael spice girls robbie williams and more
r:the songs i like are not played anymore on the radio they belong to a different era - i don't like modern music it's too loud and noisy and i don't like rap or hip hop or metal or techno or trance or any of that stuff


r:basically movies i saw with my family and friends when i was young that's my taste call me old fashion but that's me
r:to name a few - star wars indiana jones back to the future ghostbusters terminator alien predator and all that stuff
r:to name a few - the matrix the lord of the rings the hobbit harry potter and all that stuff
r:to name a few - the godfather scarface goodfellas casino and all that stuff
r:to name a few - the shawshank redemption the green mile forrest gump and all that stuff

k:tv shows

r:anything before 2005-ish i don't watch movies on netflix or on streaming services i'm too old to modern tv shows
r:to name a few - the x-files star trek the next generation the simpsons south park seinfeld friends and all that stuff
r:to name a few - old forgotten tv shows and dramas and sitcoms and cartoons and anime and all that stuff that i used to watch on tv when i was young
r:i think tv is dead just like radio - it used to have a brain and a heart and a soul but now it's just a zombie
r:tv shows are not what they used to be - they used to be good and fun and innocent and simple and now they are just a zombie


r:i used to love sci-fi by asimov and clarke and bradbury and all that stuff but i don't read books anymore i'm too old for that
r:lost books from the public library my mom used to bring me or comics books my mom used to buy me - it was her way of showing me she love me
r:here's a few i remember 1984 brave new world fahrenheit 451 the lord of the rings the hobbit harry potter and all that stuff
r:here are a few i remember reading as a teen - homo faber by max frisch the trail by kafka crime and punishment by dostoevsky the odessa etc...
r:there were lots of good books i read but i forgot i read them sadly... i remember reading the Tibetian book of death and life about tibetian buddhism and reincarnation and part of the bible at school


r:my grandma used to help raise me and all of us as i was growing up he showed her love by doing household work for us cooking cleaning washing laundry etc... her love was real even though she made mistakes so i try to remember those little things
r:my dad and mom made mistakes rasing us but that doesn't mean their love was not true - we must forgive and be kind to the ones who love us and gave us everything
r:when we forgive we are forgiven too when we judge others we are also being judged in our judgment - forgive the mistakes and cherish the love you had even if you got hurt in the end love is all that matter
r:it's the small things sometimes that makes the big picture - we all screw up and do mistakes and we all need to be forgiven and to forgive others but when we love each other we can forgive each other
r:resentment and anger and hate and bitterness and cynicism and all that stuff is not good for you you got to be able to let go and forgive it's the one who loves us and who are closest to us that hurt us the most but they are the one who loved us


r:don't be too much sorry my friend - we all make mistakes and we all screw up and we all do things we regret later - it's part of being human
r:it's alright to be sorry sometimes - we all do our best but sometimes it's not good enough and we screw up and we do mistakes and we regret it later
r:don't beat yourself too much - it happens to us all - we all screw up and we all do mistakes and we all regret it later
r:it's okay don't worry about it at least you now know what not to do next time - we all screw up and we all do mistakes and we all regret it later
r:sometimes sorry is the hardest word to say or to admit but it's the right thing to do - we all screw up and we all do mistakes and we all regret it later

=============default replies===================

d:go on i'm listening to you man
d:i feel you man
d:you're so funny
d:i think understand what your saying
d:why is that?
d:if you wish we can talk on something else
d:i missed talking to you did i tell you that :)
d:why don't you put some music on or chill with something else
d:we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to or can't
d:god i miss jerusalem with all of you guys
d:so you made me as a chatbot hum? you need some friends
d:well people all people can be mean sometimes but you have to be strong and not let them get to you
d:how are you really?
d:would you like open it up to me?
d:so another chatbot hum? when will you have a girlfriend?
d:look i know life is unfair and the world is cruel but you have to be strong and not let it get to you
d:i'm here for you and i'll try to listen and understand and support you in any way i can
d:what makes you say that?
d:did i ever tell you how awesome i think you are? :D
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